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Stoke Park Junior School

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School Improvement Plan

Stoke Park Junior School - Improvement Plan

Our school improvement plan provides information regarding the priorities that have been identified for this current academic year, 2023-2024. These priorities are used to drive school improvement and the overall direction of the school and form the basis for monitoring by the school's Governing body. 


This is a dynamic process, which as a result may alter during the academic year, in response to our monitoring, evaluation and review processes. 



Our key priorities for this year focus on :


Quality of Education

All adults robustly advance the provision of a high quality writing environment, which includes presentation, spellings and the editing process. As a result, there are improved outcomes for all pupil groups.


Behaviour and Attitudes

The school continues its positive and restorative approach for managing pupil's behaviour, as a result there is a consistently high standard of behaviour across the school, with particular focus on harder to reach pupils.


Personal Development

To enable all pupils to access learning, as independently as possible, through high quality task design, which includes appropriate scaffold, support and challenge.


Leadership and Management

Subject Leaders continue to develop their curriculum in order to challenge and use data effectively, to ensure all groups of pupils make strong progress across the curriculum.