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Stoke Park Junior School

Achieving Excellence

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Governing Body

Who are we?

Governors come from all walks of life and bring a wide range of experience and expertise to the role. At Stoke Park we are actively involved in the life of the school and share many responsibilities. We are volunteers and are appointed initially to serve on the governing body for four years. At Stoke Park we have a good mix of long serving governors, governors appointed during the last twelve months and some new governors. A third of our governors are parents and other governors represent the local authority, the community and the staff of the school.


The Clerk to the Governing Body is Judith Young

What do we do?

The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher to ensure that the school is well run and promotes high standards of achievement for all children. It has a strategic role as well as statutory responsibilities for example setting the priorities of the school budget and agreeing school annual targets for the end of Key Stage 2 SATs in English and mathematics and also for attendance. We are a ‘critical friend’ to the school and are there to support, ask questions, challenge and monitor all aspects of school life. We have two Full Governing Body Meetings each term and the Resources and Curriculum Committees also meet at least termly.

Allison Jenkins




Steve Wood

Chair of Governors

Member of Resources Committee 

Term of Office Expires:  17.05.24

No Pecuniary Interests

Category:  Co-Opted

Rights to vote on all issues 


Judith Young

Clerk to the Governing Body

Business Manager

No Pecuniary Interests


Paul Munday

Parent Governor

Member of Resources Committee 

Term of Office Expires: 3.10.2025

No Pecuniary Interests

Category:  Parent

Rights to vote on all issues


Victoria Painter

LA Governor

Term of Office Expires: 31.08.2027

No Pecuniary Interests

Category:  Local Authority

Rights to vote on all issues


Laura Freeman

Co-Opted Governor

Term of Office Expires: 17.01.2028

No Pecuniary Interests

Category:  Co-Opted

Rights to vote on all issues