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Stoke Park Junior School

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School Improvement Plan

Stoke Park Junior School - Improvement Plan

Our school improvement plan provides information regarding the priorities that have been identified for this current academic year, 2024-2025. These priorities are used to drive school improvement and the overall direction of the school and form the basis for monitoring by the school's Governing body. 


This is a dynamic process, which as a result may alter during the academic year, in response to our monitoring, evaluation and review processes. 


Our key priorities for this year focus on :



Quality of Education - Mathematics

To develop and embed the provision of the teaching of mathematics across the school, within and across year groups and phases; ensuring the full coverage of arithmetic skills, times table knowledge, fluency, reasoning and problem solving.


Quality of Education - Assessment

To further develop and refine assessment procedures within and across year groups and phases, in order to ensure teachers and leaders use data forensically to plan next steps in learning and to ensure pupils identified as 'close to' are specifically targeted to meet age-related expectations. Also to ensure those identified at Greater Depth (or with potential to achieve beyond ARE) are provided with regular opportunities to deepen learning, skills and understanding.


Behaviours & Attitudes

To further embed a consistent restorative practice for managing pupils' behaviour, with a particular focus on those pupils that are 'hard to reach', by developing staff knowledge and understanding of what constitutes trauma and its effect on children.


Behaviours & Attitudes

To improve the retention and consistency of staff by regular monitoring, evaluating and improving their mental health and wellbeing, by improving pupil's engagement in their learning and by improving the respect for staff and peers from hard to reach children.