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Stoke Park Junior School

Achieving Excellence

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As part of The Children and Families Act 2014, the Government issued a Green Paper, (a consultation document), which announced that they wanted to improve the special educational needs system. This is to provide better outcomes for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities and to improve the experience of parents/carers when securing support for their children. 


As a result The Children and Families Bill was passed through Parliament and received royal assent in March 2014, and came into force from September 2014. 


Among the requirements placed on Local Authorities within the Bill, there are two clauses which relate to the provision of information: 

  • Clause 30 – duty on local authorities to provide information of what services are available. 
  • Clause 32 – information and advice for parents and young people.


What is the Local Offer?

From September 2014, every Local Authority is required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This will be known as the ‘Local Offer’. 


The Local Offer will put all the information about education, health and care services, leisure activities and support groups in one place.


It has two main purposes: 

  • to provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available;
  • to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations. 


Please click below to download a copy of our SEND Local Offer or click here to find out about Hampshire County Council Local Offer. If you would like to contact the school directly please contact the school office to make an appointment to see our Inclusion Manager, Mrs Amy Ayling, on 02380 612 789.