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Stoke Park Junior School

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History Vision Statement


A Stoke Park Historian:

  • asks questions


  • is fascinated by the events of the past


  • has an interest in people’s lives


  • is resilient


  • is reflective



At Stoke Park Junior School we aim to inspire our children’s interest and understanding about the lives of people and the world around them.  We help pupils gain a clear narrative of Britain’s past and of the wider world as well as making links to their local area.  We teach children to understand how the events of the past have influenced our own lives and to develop a sense of identity based on their historical heritage.   By considering how people lived in the past, they are better able to make their own life choices today.



We encourage all children to think like Historians, using a wide range of sources and experiences to learn about the past.  Studying topics from the Iron Age, Ancient Egypt through to the effects of WW2 on our local area, we teach children a sense of chronology, significance, change and continuity and an understanding of cause and consequence. 

We help children to understand that Historical events can be interpreted in different ways and encourage them to ask questions such as ‘how do we know?’ about the information they are given.  They are shown how evidence is used to make historical claims and how and why contrasting arguments of the past have been constructed.

We give the children the opportunity to study historical artefacts, experience themed days and visit sites of historical significance.  We recognise the importance of cross-curricular learning, with History inspiring many of our writing, art and PE units.




We want every child to have the opportunity to be a Historian and to be inspired by the rich history all around them.  Children will leave Stoke Park Junior School understanding key aspects of history and equipped with the skills to ask questions, think critically and make balanced judgements.


By providing these opportunities, we ensure that our children are motivated, confident, life-long learners who will continue to explore and question the world around them as they progress through and beyond their education.








History long-term overview