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Stoke Park Junior School

Achieving Excellence

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Music Vision Statement

“Where words fail, music speaks.”  Hans Christian Anderson

A Stoke Park musician is

- creative

- free to express themselves

- encouraged to experiment and try new things

- ready to apply themselves using a range of different instruments, including singing

- open to new types of music



Our aim is to encourage all children to embrace music. Every child is given the chance to participate, enjoy and achieve, by making music together. Through a fully inclusive culture, our children will find joy in all music; through songs, performances, shared pieces and even in the world around them. We know that every young person is a spring of creativity thereby allowing children the opportunity to explore a range of genres, instruments and different ways of playing, our hope is to inspire both musicians and innovators of the future. 



We are very fortunate to have a purpose built music room, which enables pupils to explore and experience a well-stocked and wide range of instruments, including key boards, guitars, ukuleles, recorders, a full drum kit and percussion instruments. All children are encouraged to explore instruments they may not have seen or used before, as well as the opportunity to discuss, play and perform. In addition to our music curriculum, pupils have the opportunity to study a brass, wind or stringed instrument through extra musical tuition, provided by Hampshire Music Service. The school also provides the opportunity for additional extra-curricular music provision, with Rock2theBeat, which enables children to learn instruments and perform as part of a rock group.


The school offers whole school performance opportunities through school assemblies and specific music events which are performed to the wider school community; these include year group musical productions and our summer Music Soiree. The school also participates in an established Vocal Festival, which provides the opportunity for our school choir to perform with choirs from our cluster schools, through a series of workshops and rehearsals, whilst directed by a professional conductor.



We want all children to understand the power of music and be free with their expression, with the hope that this will provide them with a love of music for the rest of their lives. Our children leave the school having had experiences of using and playing a range of musical instruments; both traditional and modern. Through playing, composition and performance, our pupils grow in confidence. They use music and singing as a form of expression and a positive force for mental well-being, where they become enveloped in a range of musical genres, allowing them to develop themselves as musical citizens of the world.


“Music is for every single person that walks the planet.” Robert Plant

Music Long-Term Overview