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     Science Vision Statement     

“The important thing is to never stop questioning.” Albert Einstein

A Stoke Park Scientist:

  • asks and answers questions
  • observes and describes events over time
  • carries out controlled investigations
  • makes predictions and analyses data


Science allows children and adults to develop an understanding of the world around them through biology, chemistry and physics. We want to encourage children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena through investigation and experimentation. Teachers provide opportunities throughout the curriculum for children to gain knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science to answer scientific questions which help children to understand our world and develop a respect for the living and non-living things. By providing these experiences for children of Stoke Park Junior School, we hope to embed the skills of scientific literacy and critical thinking which are required in society today.


Teachers ensure our children progressively develop the substantive knowledge and disciplinary skills required to meet the National Curriculum objectives. Substantive knowledge includes the key scientific concepts which underpin the Science curriculum. Disciplinary skills are the skills required to be a scientist.

Science is planned to allow children to gradually build upon their previous learning enabling them to develop a greater understanding of aspects from biology, chemistry and physics in every year group. To develop the skills and knowledge required to work scientifically, learning in Lower Key Stage 2 is closely linked to knowledge taught in the Infant School to build a strong foundation of skills involving scientific questioning, observing and classifying. As children move through to Upper Key Stage 2, they are given the support to apply their scientific thinking in investigations to collect, present and analyse data as well as beginning to use their knowledge to predict how the world around us operates.



Each unit of work in science is based around a big question which allows children to reflect weekly on their learning and deepen their understanding of key scientific concepts. Within every science lesson, teachers put a strong focus on explicitly teaching the scientific vocabulary to enable children to develop the ability to understand and articulate scientific concepts clearly which leads to successful application of knowledge when taking part in controlled investigations. Through these investigations children are taught how to work scientifically using the three prong approach by focussing in on particular skills each lesson to shape them as successful and confident practical scientists.


Within each lesson, children are continually assessed alongside statements making up the knowledge blocks of each science unit. These methods of assessment consist of individual and class discussions, mini quizzes and plenaries. It supports teachers to see the extent of children’s understanding of substantive knowledge and application of disciplinary skills. This in turn informs teachers of their end of unit assessments and enables them to gain a picture of a child’s progress in science.


Throughout their school life children will understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts. Children have a positive view of science due to learning in an environment where science is promoted as being an exciting and enjoyable subject in which they can investigate and ask questions. By the end of their learning journey at Stoke Park Junior School, it is our mission to create a generation of aspiring scientists who want to take their scientific thinking further and help to protect the world around us for generations to come. We also want children to be prepared for the secondary school curriculum and have the ability to use their scientific skills in different scenarios.



Science - Long Term Overview

Science Progression