Spelling Vision Statement
A Stoke Park Speller will
- enjoy learning and using new vocabulary
- not give up
- edit and up-levels their spellings
- have a positive attitude
- take pride in their writing
- use high level and technical vocabulary
Our aim is for all children to leave school with a rich and varied vocabulary, which they apply with confidence in their spoken and written work. We aim for children to be enthusiastic about language and the history of words, to understand how the English language has evolved and adapted over time, with influences from all around the world. All children at Stoke Park Junior School will be able to make links within words and to associate the meaning of parts of words to others. They will be able to build and deconstruct parts of meaning in order to build a sound knowledge and understanding of a vocabulary-rich curriculum.
We will ensure that we teach a curriculum which covers the 5 key domains of spelling: phonology, morphology, etymology and visual and semantic vocabulary. Each domain allows time to investigate language, to look for meaning in parts of words and apply set rules (where applicable) to be able to apply knowledge to all areas of spelling. Our curriculum will enable children to investigate the history of vocabulary and make links with other words, plus investigating the etymology of where a word has come from.
We encourage children to regularly recall spelling knowledge through carefully planned revision sessions; simultaneously developing the learning of spelling through imaginative and context driven teaching, with plenty of opportunities to practise spellings and apply their spelling skills. Our spelling learning journeys take place using the following structure: Children apply their discretely taught spelling into their written application and are regularly encouraged to edit their spelling and up-level the vocabulary they use. We encourage the use dictionaries and word banks to allow our children to be as independent as possible when editing their writing. Children take pride in their spelling and have a ‘can do’ attitude, where they are encouraged to ‘have a go’ at tricky spellings and fix them later (after the point of application) when editing.
We want all children at Stoke Park Junior School to take pride in their writing and spelling, to not be afraid to try using new vocabulary; whilst having plenty of time to edit their writing. Our children are exposed to high level vocabulary, which is both adventurous and technical, in order to support them to become experts in their spoken and written language. We aim for our children to have self-confidence when communicating and to draw on their learning and knowledge of the many rules and spelling concepts within our very complicated English language.