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Writing Vision Statement


At Stoke Park, we provide a high-quality education in English that will teach our children to plan, speak and write fluently and expressively to effectively communicate their ideas and emotions to others while making connections to their reading as they learn to write as a reader. As children learn to write for a range of purposes and audiences they develop their to achieve.

Our writing curriculum is underpinned by rich and engaging texts that enable our children to develop creative skills to make connections with their reading and use their vivid imaginations to generate engaging texts and stories for a range of purposes. Our curriculum provides opportunities to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Our rich text that are chosen respond to children’s interests and include a rich diet of; novels that promote diversity, heritage texts, traditional tales, myths and legends, different forms of poetry and also a plethora of non-fiction texts to ensure children experience a range of text types and genres that are structured in different ways.

Our writing journeys follow the HIAS learning journeys where children are immersed in their rich text drivers and are taught explicit grammar skills that they can apply for effect in their writing. Through this journey the children are hooked in and immersed in their rich text stimulus. From this the children stimulate and generate ideas; Capture, sift and sort then build to a final outcome where they create, refine and evaluate their work with an emphasis on developing editing skills through a stepped approach.



As part of the writing journey, children are taught the fundamental spelling rules and patterns through a bespoke spelling programme that follows the programme of study dictated by the National Curriculum that focuses on developing the children’s phonological awareness, morphology of words through the application of spelling rules and patterns; building the semantics and visual forms of words and the etymology of words to understand the roots of where they come from and their meanings.

Additionally, we use the Kinetic Letters programme to teach children how to form their letters correctly learn how to join effectively in order to increase fluency and stamina for writing as the children continue their handwriting journey from Stoke Park Infants School.  

Throughout our whole curriculum, we promote the development and acquisition of new vocabulary to consolidate and extend the children’s understanding and encourage them to apply these new and ambitious words across their learning, both verbally and within their own writing, to embed their understanding as readers as well as writers.

Writing is a multi-faceted skills which requires the children to develop their own writing style and make decisions about the vocabulary and grammar chosen for effect to meet their purpose. At Stoke Park, children are taught to reflect on purpose, audience, form and viewpoint when writing where they collect ideas using our ‘writer’s toolkit’ and teachers consider these elements when designing tasks. Our skilled team of teachers, developing tasks that are engaging, immersive and have a clear purpose that ensures that our children develop a love of writing which drives progress in this area.  




During the writing journey, children are also carefully supported to reflect on their writing and develop editing skills to develop and refine their work where we use a stepped approach to proof read work for spelling and punctuation errors and then explore how to add/remove parts in a sentence to add clarity and improve the effect of their writing.